Tech Tips:
Adding Nix Biosensors Data Field on a Garmin device

How to install and use the Nix Biosensors Data Field on a Garmin device (including Edge computers)

Step 1:

First, make sure that you’ve added your Garmin device in the Nix Solo App.

Step 2:

On your phone, open the Garmin Connect IQ app.

Step 3:

Head to the Search tab and search for “Nix”.

Step 4:

Please uninstall the "Nix Activity App" if it is currently installed.
NOTE: The Nix Activity App is not available on all devices and screen sizes.

Step 5

Tap “Nix Biosensors Data Field”, then “Install”. Tap “Allow”.
Wait for the installation process to complete.

Figure 5A

Figure 5B

Step 6:

The Nix Biosensors Data Field is now ready to use on your Garmin device.

Figure 6A

Figure 6B

Step 7:

On your Garmin device, head to the activity you want to edit. Navigate to “Activity Settings” then “Data Screens”. On Garmin watches, you can navigate to the Activity Settings screen by long holding the Up" button.

Figure 7A

Figure 7B

Figure 7C

Step 8:

Select the data screen you would like to edit. The Nix data field is comprised of both Fluid Loss and Electrolyte Loss so it is best to pick a field with a larger area or assign to it's own screen.

Figure 8A (Edit a existing screen)

Figure 8B (Add a new screen)

Step 9:

Press the edit button to open “Data Fields”, then select “ConnectIQ Fields” and choose “Nix Data Field”. You’re all set!

Tip: Hit the back button a few times to return to your main screen.

Figure 9A

Figure 9B (Add/Edit to existing screen)

Figure 9C (Add as a new screen)

Step 10:

You’re all set!

For the best experience, start your workout at the same time in the Nix Solo App (on your phone) and on your Garmin device. Your Garmin device will display Fluid Loss and Electrolyte Loss as measured in real time by your Nix Pod during the selected Activity.

When you start your workout the Garmin Data Fields will change from dashes to 0s to indicate it is connected to your Nix Solo App.

When you’re ready to end your workout, make sure you end your workouts on both your smartphone and your Garmin device.

Figure 10A (Not Connected)

Figure 10B (Connected)

Figure 10C (Data Flowing)


When using the Garmin Data Field it is a running total of your fluid and electrolyte losses. There is no replenish button. If you still want to get notifications on your watch please make sure all the settings are turned on for your Garmin, phone and Nix Solo App.

Garmin Connect App: Settings > Notification> App Notifications > Toggle on "Nix Biosensors"

Nix Solo App: Settings > Notifications > Push > Hydration Notifications

Nix Solo App: Settings > Notifications > Watch > Hydration Notifications

Prevent Backgrounding: Android users to ensure your phone does not background your notifications please adjust your battery settings. On your Android, long hold on the Nix Solo app until a menu pulls up. Press the i circle > Battery > Select Unrestricted.

Additional Notes:

The Nix Activity and the Garmin Activity are currently not synchronized whatsoever: it does not matter which you start and end first. Please note the Nix data is not written into the Garmin FIT file at this point in time. After your workout, it will be exclusively available in the Nix Solo App.