Tech Tips:
Saving and Recovering Workouts

Workouts will be saved even when users are in a location with low connectivity

When your workouts bring you through remote trails and on the top of the highest peaks sometimes your WiFi and cell service doesn't meet your demands. 

The Nix Solo app now includes extra precautions to save and preserve your workout when you hit a snag during the saving process. Follow the instructions below to recover your workout and load it into your workout history.

Step 1:

Ensure you have the most recent app version. The workout editing feature is available on app version 2.28 or newer.

App download links:
Apple Users (App Store)
Android Users (Google Play)

Step 2:

Complete your workout and end the activity as normal. The app will automatically save your workout if you are in an area with poor cell service or limited to no wireless signal.

SavingWorkout_ End Workout

Step 3:

If there was an issue saving your workout, a message will appear on the homescreen alerting you.

Saving Workout Issue Saving Message

Step 4:

In order to fully recover your workout head to Settings > Help> Data Recovery and select the workout in question.

NOTE: When performing this step you will need to be in an area with WiFi or cell service as you will be retreiving your workout from the pod and uploading to the cloud. Additionally please ensure your pod is on and nearby.

Saving Workout Data Recovery Screen

Step 5:

You'll be prompted to confirm that you want to recover your workout. Click "Recover".

Saving Workout Select Workout to Recover

Step 6:

While the app is recovering your workout, the green hex will spin.

Saving Workout Active Recovery Screen

Step 7:

After successfully recovering your workout your app will notify you of it's completion. Click "Close" to continue.

Saving Workout Successful Data Recovery

Step 8:

Your workout will now appear in your Workouts within the Insights tab.

NOTE: Please allow a few minutes for the workout to populate. If you don't see it populate automatically, you may need to click on other screens within the app to trigger the app's cache to clear.

Saving Workout - Workout Now Reflected

Additional Features & Improvements

The Nix product team continues to roll out additional app features and functions. If you have a recommended product feature or enhancement, please email us at